东北大学2024年国际中文教师奖学金招生简章 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024 Application Guide of Northeastern University

24-3-15 上午12:00 作者:SIE 【

International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024 Application Guide of Northeastern University


To meet the growing international demand for Chinese language teachers, facilitate Chinese language education around the world, and support the professional development of Chinese language teachers, the Center for Language Education and cooperation has established the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship for eligible Chinese language teachers outside of China. Confucius Institutes, independent Confucius Classrooms, selected HSK test centers, foreign educational institutions, Chinese language teacher training programs/Chinese departments at foreign universities, professional associations for Chinese language teaching, Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad may recommend outstanding students and in-service Chinese language teachers to further their studies in international Chinese language education and related programs at Chinese universities.


The following is the application procedure for 2024 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, Northeastern University.

一、申请人基本条件 Applicants Requirements


Be a non-Chinese citizen


Be friendly to China, have no criminal record, abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of the Host Institution;


Be in good physical and mental health, be in good academic and behavioral standing;

4. 有志于从事中文教育、教学及相关工作;

Be interested in Chinese language education and related work; and


The date of birth for the applicants must be from September 1, 1989 to August 31, 2008. The date of birth for in-service Chinese teachers must be from September 1, 1979 to August 31, 2008.



1. 一学年研修生Scholarship for One-Year Study Program


The program commences in September 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of eleven months.




Minimum requirement


International Chinese Language Education


minimum score of 270 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required


Chinese Language and Literature


have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level)


Chinese Language Study


have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3), and priority will be given to

applicants who provide an HSKK test score

2. 一学期研修生Scholarship for One-Semester Study Program


The program commences either in September 2024 or March 2025, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of five months.




minimum requirement


International Chinese Language Education


have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test

(Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required


Chinese Language and Literature


have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test

(Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required

3. 四周研修生Scholarship for Four-Week Study

2024 年 7 月或 12 月入学,资助期限为 4 周。

The program commences either in July or December 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four weeks.

汉语研修、中医、太极文化、汉语言+中国家庭体验等方向,具有 HSK 成绩。可由推荐机构组团进行报名,并事先联系接收院校确定在华学习计划,提前报中心审批,每团 10-15 人。

Applicants of Chinese language study, traditional Chinese medicine, Taiji culture, or Chinese language plus homestay with a Chinese family program are required to provide an HSK test score. The program may be organized and applied for by a Recommending Institution with 10-15 participants per group. Before the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with the Host Institution(s) and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for review and approval.

4. 奖学金线上项目Scholarship for Online Programs


The Online Program for One-Year Chinese Language Study commences in September or March each year. Under most circumstances, a score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3) is required, and priority will be given to those who also provide an HSKK test score.


The Online Program for One-Semester Chinese Language Study commences in September or March each year. Under most circumstances, an HSK test score (regardless of level or score) is required.

三、办理流程 Application Procedures


Online registration will be available from March 1, 2024 on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website (http://www.chinese.cn). You may search for Recommending Institutions and Host Institutions; submit application materials online; and track the application process. The successful applicant must confirm with the Host Institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, and register at the Host Institution on the designated date as per the Letter of Admission.


Application Deadlines (Beijing Time)

1.     7月入学:学生申请截止日期为4月15日;

For programs commencing in July, applicants must complete their applications by April 15.

2.     9月入学:学生申请截止日期为5月15日;

For programs commencing in September, applicants must complete their applications by May 15.

3.     12月入学:学生申请截止日期为9月15日;

For programs commencing in December, applicants must complete their applications by September 15.

4.     2025年3月入学:学生申请截止日期为10月31日。

For programs commencing in March 2025, applicants must complete their applications by October 31.


CLEC will entrust an expert panel to review the applications. Decisions will be based on HSK and HSKK levels and scores, geographical distribution, and other factors. The results will be announced about three months before the program starts.

四、其他 Miscellaneous

1. 一学期研修项目和一学年研修项目原则上不录取 3年内享受过同类奖学金的申请者。

In principle, applicants who have received a similar scholarship within three years are not eligible for the One-Semester Study Program or One-Year Study Program.

2. 入学体检不合格、中途退学及未经许可不按时报到、


Students who fail to pass the pre-enrollment medical examination, withdraw from school before completing the program, fail to register at the university without prior permission, or suspend their studies will be disqualified for the scholarship.

五、国际中文教师奖学金资助内容及标准 Coverage and Standard for the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship


The scholarship supports tuition, accommodation, living allowance (excluding four-week study program students) and comprehensive medical insurance.

1. 学费由接收院校统筹用于奖学金生的培养与管理,开展文化活动,组织参加汉语考试等。奖学金线上项目仅资助学费。

The Host Institutions use the tuition fees for the education and management of scholarship recipients, cultural programming and HSK tests. The scholarships for online programs provide support for tuition fees only.

2. 住宿费由接收院校统筹使用,为学生提供免费宿舍,一般为双人间;经奖学金生申请、接收院校批准,选择校外住宿者,由学校按月或季度发放住宿费700元人民币/月。

The Host Institutions use the accommodation fees to provide scholarship recipients with free on-campus accommodation (typically double rooms). Scholarship recipients may live off-campus upon application and approval from the Host Institutions. Under such circumstances, students are entitled to RMB 700 per person/month paid on a monthly/quarterly basis by the Host Institutions.

3. 生活费由接收院校按月发放。一学年和一学期研修生标准为2500元人民币/月。

The living allowance is paid to the scholarship recipients by the Host Institutions on a monthly basis. The monthly allowance for undergraduates, one-year study program students and one-semester study program students is RMB 2,500 per person.


Scholarship recipients must register with the university within the period stipulated in the Letter of Admission. Otherwise, the scholarship will be revoked. Students registered before the 15th (inclusive) of the month are entitled to the full allowance of that month, while those who are registered after the 15th are entitled to half of the amount.


If a scholarship recipient leaves China for more than 15 days for personal reasons during the study period (excluding summer and winter vacations), the living allowance during the period of absence from China will be suspended.


If a scholarship recipient is suspended or withdrawn from school for personal reasons or is subject to disciplinary action by the Host Institution, the living allowance from the date of suspension, withdrawal, or notification of disciplinary action will be suspended.


The living allowance for graduating students is paid until half a month after the graduation date set by the Host Institution.

4. 综合医疗保险费参照中国教育部来华留学有关规定执行,由接收院校统一购买。四周研修生标准为100元人民币/人,一学期研修生为400元人民币/人,一学年以上标准为800元人民币/年/人。

The comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the Host Institutions in accordance with applicable regulations on overseas students stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China. The insurance premium for four-week study program students is RMB 100 per person, that for one-semester study program students is RMB 400 CNY per person, and that for students studying more than one year is RMB 800 per person/year.

Contact Information for Northeastern University



一学年研修生Scholarship for One-Year Study Program

一学期研修生Scholarship for One-Semester Study Program

奖学金线上项目Scholarship for Online Programs

王老师 Mr. Wang



四周研修生Scholarship for Four-Week Study

吴老师 Ms. Wu



七、常见问题 FAQ

1. 问:东北大学的这个奖学金有多少名额?

Q:How many students can win this scholarship?


CLEC will review all the applicants, and choose the best to award the scholarship. We don’t know how many students can win the scholarship to study in NEU.

2. 问:我能通过这个奖学金申请来东北大学读本科、硕士或者博士吗?

Q:May I apply for bachelor, master or PhD in NEU with this scholarship?


A: No.

3. 问:申请这个奖学金需要在东北大学网站上在线申请吗?

Q: Do I need to apply online at NEU website for this scholarship?


A: No, you don’t need to apply online at NEU website during the application period. Please follow this instruction to make the application at http://cis.chinese.cn .

4. 问:我在申报时间段任何时间递交申请都一样吗?

Q: Is it the same for me to submit the application at any time during the application period?


A: You are suggested to submit the application as soon as you prepared all the necessary files.

5. 问:我的申请结果什么时候会揭晓?语合中心会给我发邮件吗?

Q: When can I have the results? Will CLEC send me an email?


A:  Please log-in the system to check your result. If you have been awarded to the scholarship, there will be an auto-sent email from CLEC. Please note that if your application failed, you will not have the result email from CLEC.